Variant-Based Testing with HIL Systems – The Elegant way

April 18, 2018

In this webinar recording, dSPACE shows you how HIL systems can be automatically prepared and used for testing different ECU versions and variants to achieve the best possible testing efficiency.

Instructors:  Dr. Mario Heidernätsch, Product Manager Data Management, dSPACE GmbH 

Target Group: The webinar is intended for everyone involved in ECU and system testing, e.g., test engineers, test developers, and test managers.

dSPACE invites you to a free webinar on the topic of efficient, variant-based use of HIL systems.

ECUs are often integrated in various vehicle lines  and on different platforms. To test ECUs by means of HIL simulation, it is required to load the real-time application; parameterize the ECU, the simulation models, and the tests; use stimulus files, etc.
These preparation and configuration tasks can (and should) be fully automated and performed for multiple HIL systems at the same time to avoid time-consuming manual work, which is prone to errors.

This webinar recording shows you how to use test and data management software with full, integrated variant support  and with advanced capabilities to organize, parameterize, distribute and automate test execution to prepare and use HIL systems in the most efficient way possible.
The following topics will be covered in greater detail.

  • Collaboration – Managing test activities and data in teams
  • Variant-based automation – HIL preparation, configuration, and parameterization
  • Continuous integration of real-time applications
  • Testing 24/7 – Integrated test planning and remote test execution


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