Testing Automotive Radar from Development to Periodic Technical Inspection and Beyond

  • Intelligente Fahrerassistenzsysteme
  • HIL-Tests
  • Autonomes Fahren
  • Homologation
  • Technische Fahrzeugüberprüfungen
  • Over-the-Air Testing



Radar sensors are a key technology for the implementation of today’s driver assistance systems and automated driving functions. Due to the safety-critical nature of these systems, they must be thoroughly vetted with testing. One particularly comprehensive method is to use an over-the-air approach. This involves the use of radar target simulators (RTS), whereby the entire signal path of the radar – from the signal generation to the algorithm of the assistance system – is tested and validated. RTSs receive the radar signal, imprint targets on it on the fly and send the manipulated signal back to the radar - fully independent of the concrete waveform used by the radar sensor.

The dSPACE Automotive Radar Test System (DARTS) offers a wide range of RTS for different radar sensors and application scenarios. Covering the whole automotive SRR & LRR band simultaneously, the new DARTS 9040-G is particularly tailored for next-generation ultra-high resolution imaging radars, often referred to as 4D radars. DARTS is applied in all development phases, from chip design and sensor development to end-of-line tests and beyond. Options include:

  • A stand-alone system for quick and easy sensor validation
  • Integration with a dSPACE Radar Test Bench to realize complex, scenario-based, hardware-in-the-loop tests of single radars and virtual vehicles
  • Integration with a vehicle-in-the-loop test for testing driving functions in fully assembled and unmodified vehicles (e.g., during periodical technical inspection)


Alexander Trapp

Alexander Trapp

Product Engineer Real-Time Test & Development Solutions - RTDS

Weiterführende Informationen


    Over-the-Air-Simulation von Radarechos in Echtzeit

  • Radarprüfstände

    dSPACE bietet zuverlässige Lösungen sowohl für die Validierung und Spezifikation von Radarsensoren der nächsten Generation als auch für den realitätsnahen Test von radarbasierten Fahrzeugfunktionen.

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