Flight Recorder Merge

The command-line tool "FlightRecMerge.exe" can be used to post-process binary data files generated by the USB flight recorder on the dSPACE DS1401 (MicroAutoBox II), on the DS1007 and on the MicroLabBox DS1202. Flight recorder data files contain sequences of up to 250 model signals (variable) which are automatically measured during run-time. The result of such measurements is stored in a set of so-called flight-recorder raw data binary files on a USB device connected to the MicroAutoBox. This tool allows to process a whole set of such flight recorder files.

The tool can

  • Convert single files into a result file
  • Merge several files into one result file
  • Extract only data sets from a given period of time
  • Extract only data sets for model signals/variables with given names

The result will be written to an output MAT-file ready to be used with dSPACE ControlDesk or MATLAB.

Intended for use with 32-bit Matlab versions only.

The FlightRecMerge.exe tool is not distributed since Release 2016-A and not supported anymore.

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Verwandte Themen
Date 2019-10-07
Software-Typ Implementierungssoftware, Datenmanagement-Software
Produkt ControlDesk, RTI (Real-Time Interface), RTI USB Flight Recorder Blockset
Informationstyp Utilities
Informationskategorie Arbeiten mit
dSPACE Release 2015-B, 2015-A, 2014-B, 2014-A
Keywords flightrecmerge

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