dSPACE Release 2015-B - Incorrect address information in the variable description file (TRC or A2L)


A critical bug in dSPACE Release 2015-B has been fixed.

Since April 28, 2016 the following updates are available

  • dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 for existing Release 2015-B installations,
  • corrected Release 2015-B setups containing dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 for new installations.

dSPACE Release 2015-B without Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 must not be used anymore!


dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1

Additionally consider to delete the original Release 2015-B setups files and to download the corrected files including Release Service Pack 1 for future use. For requesting the download links, use the same login data as for the original Release 2015-B files.

Necessary Steps after the Installation 

After the installation, all build results, ie. (real-time) applications and V-ECUs, must be rebuilt!

All files generated without dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 should be deleted.

Measurement data or test results obtained with applications built without dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 should be treated as unreliable.

If you cannot discard the existing data, you might contact dSPACE Support to check if they are affected by the bug described below. 


Original Problem Description 

A TRC or A2L file (variable description file) for an application generated without dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 may contain incorrect address information about structured variables.

As a consequence, depending on the composition of the structured variable, data might be written to or read from a wrong address (variable) with ControlDesk, AutomationDesk, HIL API, XIL API, Real-Time Testing, and other tools accessing data based on the information from the variable description file.

Resulting effects could be

  • Wrong or meaningless values are observed.
  • Wrong parameters are modified or parameters are set to meaningless values (as further consequence possibly affecting output to I/O, or corrupting the application).
  • Measurements and derived test results may become incorrect (possibly unnoticed, if values in the expected range are observed by chance). Measurement data or test results obtained with applications built using Release 2015-B should be treated as unreliable.


Nonvirtual Simulink buses or tunable structured parameters are used in the Simulink model.

The problem does only arise under additional specific conditions. 
Nevertheless it is mandatory to install the Release Service Pack.

Last update

April 28, 2016

This page can be reached only via the direct link:

Date 2016-04-27

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