Flexibility Can Be So Compact

Frank Mertens (dSPACE GmbH), 
Holger Ross (dSPACE GmbH), 
Publié: Offprint translation from "AutomobilElektronik", Oct 2008

Signal conditioning and power stages are decisive factors for optimally connecting sensors and actuators to the universal I/O interfaces of rapid control prototyping systems. Developers often rely on a modular approach to flexibly connect sensors and actuators, often tolerating the bulky size. If they prefer a compact size, an expensive custom development usually cannot be avoided. Compact size and flexibility do not go together. Or do they?

  • Anglais: Flexibility Can Be So Compact PDF, 371 KB
  • Allemand: Kompakt, aber flexibel - Rapid-Control- Prototyping-Systeme PDF, 1296 KB

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