End Of Life Announcements

When a discontinuation date is defined for one of your dSPACE products, this automatically leads to a number of questions: How long can I still purchase the product? How long will I receive new software versions? How long will I still receive maintenance and support for the product?
To support you in your planning activities in the best possible way, dSPACE will contact you via e-mail in a timely manner with regard to the product’s discontinuation process. This e-mail will contain all necessary dates regarding the life cycle of the product to best support you in your
long-term planning process. The e-mail will also include information on successor products or migration options, which will help you find alternatives for the future.

End Of Life Information for Hardware End Of Life Information for Software products End of Life Information for Solutions
Date 2019-03-27
Produkttyp Kompakte Systeme, Modulare Systeme
Hardware-Typ Standardsysteme
Software-Typ Experimentier- und Visualisierungssoftware, Bus- und Netzwerk-Software, Steuergeräteschnittstellen-Software
Produkt ControlDesk, DCI-CAN1, DCI-GSI1, dSPACE Simulator EcoLine, dSPACE Simulator Mid-Size, MicroAutoBox, SCALEXIO, SCALEXIO Processing Unit
Informationstyp Referenzinformationen
Informationskategorie Abkündigungen, Versionen und Kompatibilität
dSPACE Release Upcoming Releases
Keywords EOL, DS1103 PPC Controller, CalDesk , DS1005 PPC Board

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