Micromotion - PARVUS - The Little Giant

Arne Burisch (Technical University of Braunschweig), 
Company: Micromotion GmbH, Germany
Published: dSPACE NEWS 2006/2, May 2006

The trend to miniaturization that started with electronics has now reached the world of mechanical engineering, where it can also help to save on energy and materials. Machines for the precision assembly of very small parts are a typical example. A joint endeavor of the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Technology (Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany) and Micromotion GmbH produced a control system for PARVUS, a miniature robot that works just as precisely as conventional assembly robots, though these are often several times larger and more expensive. A dSPACE prototyping system was used in the project.

  • English: Micromotion - PARVUS - The Little Giant PDF, 241 KB
  • German: Micromotion - PARVUS - Der kleine Riese PDF, 247 KB
  • Japanese: PARVUS ‒ 小さな巨人 PDF, 659 KB

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