Total Decoupling with an Adaptive Interface

Veröffentlicht: dSPACE NEWS 2001/1, Jan 2001

In the Department of Adaptronics at the Otto-von- Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany, an adaptive interface is being developed to decouple two mechanical systems. This interface effectively cancels out vibrations propagating from one mechanical system to another. The model of the mechanical structure as well as an adaptive control algorithm is implemented within the MATLAB/ Simulink environment. For real-time simulation, the control algorithm, defined as Simulink blocks, runs on dSPACE Prototyper, comprising a multiprocessor system. The developed adaptive interface has been verified and proved to work fine. As a result, series production levels for various applications have been reached.

  • Englisch: Total Decoupling with an Adaptive Interface PDF, 404 KB

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