An Overview of Hardware-In-the-Loop Testing Systems at Visteon

Jace Allen (dSPACE Inc., USA), 
Mahesh Balike (Visteon Corporation), 
Syed Nabi (Visteon Corporation), 
Kevin Rzemien (dSPACE Inc., USA), 
Firma: Visteon Corporation, MI, USA
Veröffentlicht: SAE World Congress, Mar 2004

This paper discusses our experiences on the implementation and benefits of using the Hardware-Inthe- Loop (HIL) systems for Powertrain control system software verification and validation. The Visteon HIL system integrated with several off-the-shelf diagnostics and calibration tools is briefly explained. Further, discussions on test automation sequence control and failure insertion are outlined The capabilities and advantages of using HIL for unit level software testing, open loop and closed-loop system testing, fault insertion and test automation are described. HIL also facilitates Software and Hardware Interface validation testing with low-level driver and platform software. This paper attempts to show the experiences with and capabilities of these HIL systems.

  • Englisch: An Overview of Hardware-In-the-Loop Testing Systems at Visteon PDF, 559 KB

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