Creating Test Patterns for Model-Based Development of Automotive Software

Klaus Lamberg (dSPACE GmbH), 
Rainer Otterbach (dSPACE GmbH), 
Christian Wewetzer (dSPACE GmbH), 
Veröffentlicht: SAE World Congress, Apr 2006

The importance of electronics, especially software, has greatly increased over the last few years. Efforts to maintain a high level of software quality have made testing an important part of the development process. With the advent of model-based development, testing methods can be used not only on code level, but also on model level. Next to test execution itself, test development is seen as the most time- and cost-intensive part of the testing process. This paper outlines and classifies current approaches to model-based test development, with the aim of providing guidelines for test developers for choosing the method best suited to the type of system under test and the test objective.

  • Englisch: Creating Test Patterns for Model-Based Development of Automotive Software PDF, 252 KB

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