Beyond FMI - Towards New Applications with Layered Standards

Christian Bertsch (Robert Bosch GmbH), 
Matthias Blesken (dSPACE GmbH), 
Torsten Blochwitz (ESI ITI GmbH), 
Andreas Junghanns (Synopsys), 
Pierre R. Mai (PMSF IT Consulting), 
Benedikt Menne (dSPACE GmBH), 
Kevin Reim (dSPACE GmBH), 
Klaus Schuch (AVL List GmbH), 
Torsten Sommer (Dassault Systemes GmbH), 
Markus Süvern (dSPACE GmbH), 
Patrick Täuber (dSPACE GmbH), 
Veröffentlicht: Oct 2023

The FMI standard — just like any other standard — faces the challenge of balancing generality with enabling specific use cases. Including every domain or use-case specific extension in the core standard would significantly increase its length, making it unreadable and unimplementable. To allow for extensions of the core standard for specific use cases, the Modelica Association developed the concept of layered standards, first in the SSP standard and later in FMI.

This paper presents the concept of layered standards and describes the layered standards currently under development by the FMI Project: XCP support of FMUs, network communication, and structured variables and n-D lookup tables in FMI 3.0.

  • Englisch: Beyond FMI - Towards New Applications with Layered Standards PDF, 386 KB

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