CLAAS: TargetLink Goes to the Fields

Andreas Wilken (CLAAS KGaA), 
Firma: CLAAS KGaA, Deutschland
Veröffentlicht: dSPACE NEWS 2001/2, May 2001

Alongside the CLAAS products for farming, CLAAS Industrietechnik, a subsidiary of the CLAAS Group, also produces hydraulic components and transmissions. When it came to developing the transmission control for the TRAXION transmission for application in XERION, CLAAS’ new basic machine, TargetLink played an important part in production code generation. The developers used TargetLink to generate the control software for the hydrostatic part of the transmission, not only considerably boosting computing speed, but also cutting the time needed by over 50% compared with handcoding.

  • Englisch: CLAAS: TargetLink Goes to the Fields PDF, 134 KB

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