MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update for dSPACE Release 4.1

About this MATLAB Compatibility Update

This compatibilty update makes it possible to use dSPACE Release 4.1 in conjunction with products from The MathWorks Release 13SP2 (Release 4.1 already supports R13SP1).

MTest 1.0.1 or 1.1 will not be updated.

This MATLAB Compatibility Update is not applicable for TargetLink installations.

How to install the MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update

There are two ways to install the MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update, depending on whether dSPACE Release 4.1 is already installed or not:

  • If dSPACE Release 4.1 is installed, you can update it for MATLAB R13SP2 compatibility.
  • If dSPACE Release 4.1 is not yet installed, install the MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update and dSPACE Release 4.1 from scratch.

For complete information about the installation procedure download the Installation Notes file below.

Product Versions after the Installation

  • Products not listed here are not affected by the MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update.
  • For complete version information of the unaffected products refer to release41.txt.
Product Original
ControlDesk 2.5 2.5.1
MLib 4.5 4.5.1
RTI 5.0 5.1.1
RTLib1103 1.6.1 2.0
MotionDesk Blockset 1.1.2 1.1.3


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Who is entitled to get the update?

The MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update for dSPACE Release 4.1 is available for the following customers:

  • Customers who have purchased a software maintenance service (SMS) contract.
  • Customers who bought dSPACE Release 4.1 within the last six months before the release of the MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update.
    Since it was released in November 2004, customers who purchased the software after May 1, 2004 are entitled to get the update.

If you are in one of the above customer groups, you will automatically receive an e-mail from dSPACE with your log-on name, password, and license key.

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