FAQ 345: Error Message 'No such file or directory'


The build process of one of the following components aborts:

  • A Simulink model (with RTI)
  • An application (with ConfigurationDesk)
  • An SIC (with VEOS)

The following error message is displayed:


Build with RTI:

<modelname>.h:<XX>:<XX>: fatal error: brtenv.h: No such file or directory
 #include <brtenv.h>
compilation terminated.
gmake: *** [<modelname>.obj] Error 1


Build with ConfigurationDesk:

DSMAKE: mdladapter_mdlfunctions.cpp:<XX>:<XX>: error: <modelname>_dsrtmdlfcn.h: No such file or directory

DSMAKE: Compilation was not successful. (1)
The make phase failed for the following application process: <application process name>.

==== Build process aborted ==================================


Build with VEOS:

COMPILING "…\SicAppFrm_FunMod_generated.c"
In file included from …/SicAppFrm_Cfg.h:<XX>:<XX>,
                 from …\SicAppFrm_FunMod_generated.c:<XX>:

…/SicAppFrm_Cfg_generated.h:<XX>:<XX>: fatal error: <modelname>_dsmpbap.h: No such file or directory
 #include "<modelname>_dsmpbap.h"
compilation terminated.
COMPILING FAILED. See …\SicAppFrm_FunMod_generated.err for details


Similar error messages might be displayed with different file names.

Why does the compiler report this error message although the mentioned files exist in the file system?


Date 2016-09-01
Software-Typ Implementierungssoftware
Produkt ConfigurationDesk, RTI (Real-Time Interface)
Informationstyp FAQ (Häufig gestellte Fragen)
Informationskategorie Problembehandlung
dSPACE Release 2023-A, 2022-B, 2022-A, 2021-B, 2021-A, 2020-B, 2020-A, 2019-B, 2019-A, 2018-B, 2018-A, 2017-B , 2017-A, 2016-B, 2016-A, 2015-B, 2015-A, 2014-B, 2014-A, 2013-B, 2013-A, Bis 2013-A
Keywords MEX compiler, MinGW64, MinGW, Windows SDK 7.1, MATLAB R2015b, brtenv.h

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