FAQ 031: Path and File Names


When I build my model with RTI the build process is aborted with the following errors in the MATLAB® Command Window:

i686-elf-gcc.exe: error: ... : No such file or directory
i686-elf-gcc.exe: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
The system cannot find the path specified.

When I build my model with ConfigurationDesk the build process is aborted with the following errors in the ConfigurationDesk Build Window:

An error occurred while validating the model description file: The 'URL' element is invalid - The value '...' is invalid according to its datatype 'String' - The Pattern constraint failed.


Date 2017-01-13
Software-Typ Implementierungssoftware
Produkt RTI (Real-Time Interface)
Informationstyp FAQ (Häufig gestellte Fragen)
Informationskategorie Problembehandlung
dSPACE Release 2023-A, 2022-B, 2022-A, 2021-B, 2021-A, 2020-B, 2020-A, 2019-B, 2019-A, 2018-B, 2018-A, 2017-B , 2017-A, 2016-B, 2016-A, 2015-B, 2015-A, 2014-B, 2014-A, 2013-B, 2013-A, Bis 2013-A
Keywords build, error, space characters, blanks, not enough space for arguments

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