Create File Assignments

This utility is retired. Creating separate arxml files for each AUTOSAR package in a project is not viable for real-life-sized projects.

This utility for SystemDesk simplifies the process if the file assignment shall be similar to the AUTOSAR package structure of the project.

SystemDesk allows you to hold AR elements in AUTOSAR master files. AUTOSAR master files support processes such as version control, software component exchange, and standardization of types and interfaces. You can assign AR elements to exactly one AUTOSAR master file and then read or write the files to / from disk. When reading the file, the elements assigned to a master file are replaced by the elements contained in the file. Similarly, SystemDesk replaces the content of a file with the elements assigned to it when writing the file. Additionally, the file assignment is used by the container manager for data exchange with TargetLink.

The file assignments can be changed in the file assignments dialog. By default, all elements are unassigned. For large projects, it can be tedious to do all necessary file assignments. This script simplifies this process if the file assignment shall be similar to the AUTOSAR package structure of the project. It automatically creates an arxml file for each AR package and assigns the respective AR package including its children to it. For subpackages, an own master file is created. The file assignment created by the script can then be changed in the file assignments dialog.

SystemDesk Version Download Revision Date Revision
5.6 2022-11-01 1.13
5.5 2021-07-09 1.12
5.4 2021-07-09 1.11
5.3 2021-07-09 1.10
5.2 2019-01-04 1.9
5.1 2018-09-07 1.8
5.0 2017-10-05 1.7
4.8 2017-10-04 1.6
4.7 2017-03-24 1.5
4.6 2016-09-08 1.4
4.5 2016-02-25 1.3
4.2 2014-12-12 1.2
4.0 2013-08-08 1.0

Date 2023-10-09
Software-Typ Systemarchitektur-Software
Produkt SystemDesk
Informationstyp Utilities
Informationskategorie Arbeiten mit, Funktionserweiterung
dSPACE Release 2022-A, 2021-B, 2021-A, 2020-B, 2020-A, 2019-B, 2019-A, 2018-B, 2018-A, 2017-B , 2017-A, 2016-B, 2016-A, 2015-B, 2014-A, 2013-A, Bis 2013-A

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