Software Maintenance Service and Premium Support

Premium Support is part of the dSPACE Software Maintenance Service. 

Software Maintenance Service

The dSPACE Software Maintenance Service (SMS) gives you access to regular software upgrades and premium support, letting you maximize the value of your investment in dSPACE systems. For details refer to the PDF file at the bottom of this page.

Provided Services

Provided Service With SMS Without SMS
Software Upgrades Yes   -
Premium Support Yes   -
Product Support Yes Yes
Patches created within 4 years after Release Yes   -
Patches created within 2 years after Release Yes  Yes


Software Upgrades

For software products under SMS, you will automatically be provided with all upgrades and enhancements released during the maintenance period. This includes the latest feature innovations as well as MATLAB compatibility upgrades.

To avoid compatibility problems, we strongly recommend you to subscribe to SMS for all of your dSPACE products. 

Premium Support

Premium support is offered as part of the Software Maintenance Service. As an SMS customer, you benefit from:

  • Higher priority to minimize your total resolution time
  • Guaranteed response times of less than 2 working days
  • Unlimited telephone support
  • Online support via Microsoft Teams ® or WebEx ® when appropriate
  • Access to senior staff from the dSPACE development departments when appropriate


As an SMS customer you have access to bug-fixes that have been created more than two years following the respective software version's release date. For details refer to the PDF file at the bottom of this page.


  • dSPACE Software Maintenance Service sms_specification_march_2020.pdf PDF, 68.6 KB

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