Webinar Recording: How to Get to HIL Testing (3/3) – HIL Testing and Functional Safety

November 6, 2019

dSPACE invites you to a webinar recording about HIL testing as crucial part of the verification and validation process and to assure functional safety.

Instructors: Tim Bagschik, dSPACE Consultant 

Target Group: Safety Managers, HIL Testers, Responsibles for verification & validation strategies and processes of safety-critical software e.g. according to ISO 26262

dSPACE invites you to a webinar recording about HIL testing as a crucial part of the verification and validation process and a key for ensuring functional safety. 
HIL testing primarily focuses on software quality features, such as functional suitability, interface compatibility, performance, and reliability. Because the software under test is increasingly being used in safety-critical systems, verifying these quality features is becoming even more important, and the verification process has to meet the requirements of standards for functional safety, such as ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448 (SOTIF).
This webinar focuses on the integration of the HIL test system into a verification and validation process and the use of the system in safety-critical projects. We will discuss development and test strategies and explain, how compliance with the relevant functional safety standards can be reached efficiently.

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