Webinar Recording: Functional Mock-up Interface Support

November 12, 2015

This webinar recording demonstrates how to exploit the features of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) with the dSPACE tool chain.

Instructors: Dr. Andreas Pillekeit, Product Engineer Simulation and Implementation Software Tools
Target Group: The webinar is aimed at model developers and simulation engineers interested in using FMI for virtual validation and HIL testing activities.

The Functional Mock-up Interface is an open standard for the tool-vendor-independent exchange and integration of models.
Using a concrete demo system, the webinar recording demonstrates how to combine environment models that were exported from various tools as Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) with Simulink® models for the closed-loop test of controller functionality. You will learn how to use FMUs in different development phases within the dSPACE tool chain.

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