Video: Simulating and Testing V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) and 5G Automotive Applications

  • Automobiltechnik
  • Intelligente Fahrerassistenzsysteme
  • HIL-Tests
  • Autonomes Fahren
  • Konnektivität



Part 1: Getting Fit for Cooperative Automated Driving

  • V2X challenges beyond day one – when automated vehicles meet connectivity
  • Virtual validation of V2X applications for collective perception and cooperative driving
  • End-to-end HIL testing of 5G-enabled automotive applications

Part 2: Developing the Next Generation V2X Communication with 5G Networks

  • Overview of V2N (Vehicle-to-Network) technology
  • Reasons to test with a cellular network simulator
  • Testing a TCU with a 5G and 4G internet connection
  • Connecting to a back-end server
  • Testing data throughput
  • Testing handovers (handing over from cell to cell)
  • V2V/V2I (Vehicle-to-Vehicle / Vehicle to Infrastructure)
  • What’s new with 5G vs. 4G


Gregor Hordys

Gregor Hordys

Product Manager - Connectivity Automated Driving & Software Solutions dSPACE GmbH

Craig Hendricks

Craig Hendricks

Market Development Manager Anritsu

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