Data Management, from Data Selection to KPI Extraction

  • HIL-Tests
  • Testdaten-Management
  • Autonomes Fahren
  • Data Logging



ADAS and autonomous driving system development, testing, and validation projects require large amounts of data from perception sensors (cameras, lidars, radars, etc.). In terms of IT infrastructure, collecting and managing these petabytes of data is costly and time-consuming. In this webinar, INTEMPORA CEO Nicolas Du Lac discusses tools that drastically reduce the required training and testing by narrowing down the scope of testing while ensuring good coverage of the tested situations and automatically extracting the KPIs you need from the test cases.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Understand how to simplify ADAS and AD data collection using versatile tagging techniques and optimized cloud-based data management.
  • Learn how to store and share numerous multi-sensor data recordings.
  • Discover how to minimize costs and reduce time and effort when carrying out data replay validation campaigns.
  • Extract the KPIs you need for your ECU testing and validation campaigns in batch data-replay mode.


Nicolas DuLac

Nicolas DuLac


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