Video: Testing Automotive Radar ECUs and Software

  • Automobiltechnik
  • HIL-Tests
  • End-of-Line-Test
  • Over-the-Air Testing



Precise testing is a critical requirement in the development, production, quality assurance and maintenance of radar sensors and applications. dSPACE Automotive Radar Test Systems (DARTS) enable easy-to-use and very realistic over-the-air tests. This is done by simulating radar echoes of objects in road traffic with programmable distance, speed, and size with unique signal integrity. DARTS play a decisive role in the validation of radar-based driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles throughout the entire value chain. Powerful devices are available for use in development and testing in the laboratory, for end-of-line tests during production, for the homologation of a vehicle, and for the aftermarket. The newest addition to the DARTS product family is DARTS 9040-G -- the first target simulator in the market capable of processing up to 5 GHz radar signals. 9040-G is designed and optimized for all next-gen automotive radars (e.g., imaging radars, 4D radars). It features reference-grade simulation for R&D and end-of-line testing and easy, intuitive handling. DARTS are very compact in size and feature the smallest RF frontend in the world providing unique signal integrity.


Andreas Himmler

Andreas Himmler

Senior Product Manager Real-Time Test & Development Solutions dSPACE GmbH

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