Systematic Separation of Electrical Power Systems for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

Axel Kiffe (dSPACE GmbH ), 
Frank Puschmann (dSPACE GmbH), 
Katrin Witting (dSPACE GmbH), 
Firma: dSPACE GmbH, Deutschland
Veröffentlicht: European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'17 ECCE Europe) (IEEE copyrighted), Nov 2017

The increasing complexity of power grids makes hardware-in-the-loop simulations of electrical power systems more and more interesting for the industry. The simulation models are typically large. They
often have to be split and used on several hardware platforms to allow efficient computations. Finding an appropriate position for splitting the simulation model requires expert knowledge about the electrical
power system itself and about the functionality and limitations of the simulation hardware. In this paper, we present criteria that have to be taken into account when splitting an electrical power system model
into subsystems. These criteria can serve as a basis for a systematic model splitting algorithm, which requires no special expert knowledge.

  • Englisch: Systematic Separation of Electrical Power Systems for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation PDF, 284 KB

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