Efficient Model-based Development of AUTOSAR Software Components

  • Automobiltechnik
  • Systemarchitektur
  • Entwicklung von Serienssoftware
  • SIL-Tests



Webinar recorded on June 22, 2022

The AUTOSAR (Classic) Standard was introduced almost 20 years ago with the goal to facilitate the management of software architectures for automotive embedded software. The standardized interface concept makes software components more independent from the hardware architecture and it makes collaboration between companies and the reuse of software across different projects much easier.

But often AUTOSAR is considered to be complex, especially when the relationship between the abstract concepts and their implementation in the production code is not clear.

In this BTC/dSPACE webinar, Nabile Khoury from BTC Embedded Systems and Sebastian Moors from dSPACE explain the benefits of AUTOSAR and show you the main elements of an AUTOSAR Software Component from the perspectives of an AUTOSAR Architecture Tool, an AUTOSAR .ARXML file, a Simulink/TargetLink Model, the Production Code an much more.


Sebastian Moors

Sebastian Moors

Software Developer, dSPACE GmbH

Nabile Khoury

Nabile Khoury

Senior Application Engineer, BTC Embedded Systems

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