Emulation of Charging Stations with Real Power

  • Automobiltechnik
  • HIL-Tests
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektromobilität
  • End-of-Line-Test
  • Power HIL



The communication between #ElectricVehicles and charging infrastructure is a key aspect of reliable #ElectricMobility.

To ensure failsafe and robust charging processes, manufacturers need to consider a variety of technological standards, protocols and even possible sources of error. But testing against many different charging stations in different regions of the world drives costs and slows down development.

This is where smart #ChargingEmulation comes into play: Watch our InnovationCoffeeBreak to learn how the dSPACE Smart Charging Solution can accelerate development processes of failsave high-voltage charging components while lowering development costs.

#VirtualShowroom #SmartCharging #ChargingInfrastructure #ElectricCars #EV


Florian Bauer

Florian Bauer

Manager Real-Time Test & Development Solutions - RTDS

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