CAN MM to Bus Manager Migration Scripts


These scripts help you to migrate RTI CAN Multi Message Blockset projects to the Bus Manager.

The following features are migrated:

  • Tx and Rx PDUs
  • Model access for Tx and Rx signals with linking
  • PDU trigger feature

Features and Limitations

Migrated Features

  • TX and RX PDUs.
  • PDU signals with Model Access (INPORT) and Test Automation Support (TRC) configuration.
  • Trigger (Kickout) with Modell Access (INPORT) and Test Automation Support (TRC) configuration.
  • If model ports are created manually according to this documentation, the bus configuration and the model ports are linked automatically.


  • RX PDUs are added to inspection (Bus Manager PLUS license required).
  • The example project is created with dSPACE RCP&HIL 19-A and Matlab R2017b.
  • Each PDU needs to be separately mapped to a frame. Otherwise, it cannot be migrated. For example, multiplexed PDUs will not be migrated correctly.
  • No support of J1939 transport protocols
  • The script is an example showing the use case with exactly one DBC file and one RTICANMM Block in the model.
  • Default values configured in RTICANMM are not forwarded to Bus Manager

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Date 2023-04-27
Software-Typ Implementierungssoftware
Produkt Bus Manager
Informationstyp Utilities
Informationskategorie Migration
dSPACE Release 2022-A, 2021-B, 2021-A, 2020-B, 2020-A, 2019-B, 2019-A, 2018-B, 2018-A, 2017-B , 2017-A, 2016-B, 2016-A, 2015-B, 2015-A, 2014-B, 2014-A

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