Webinar Recording: How to Get to Requirements-Based Testing

March 24, 2015

This webinar recording shows you how to perform requirements-based testing for all development and testing phases, from software unit to system level tests, from manual to automated testing.

Instructor: Michael Beine

Target Group: Test engineers and test managers involved in HIL or software testing activities

Contents of the Webinar

In embedded software development, new norms, technological advances, and customer requests have led to an ever increasing number of requirements. Recently introduced functional safety standards demand a systematic definition and verification of safety requirements.

In short, to make your software projects successful, you need to validate and verify the software against these requirements, be able to demonstrate and monitor requirements coverage, and implement an efficient requirements-based testing process.
This webinar shows you how to perform requirements-based testing for all development and testing phases, from software unit to system level tests, from manual to automated testing using SYNECT Test Management.

In this webinar you will learn how to :
  • Integrate requirements from tools like IBM Rational® DOORS® or PTC® Integrity into your testing process
  • Achieve traceability between requirements, test cases and test results
  • Demonstrate and analyze requirements coverage
  • Organize and monitor your testing activities
  • Get an accurate overview of your testing effort

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