From Virtual Testing to HIL Testing - Towards Seamless Testing

Andreas Himmler (dSPACE GmbH), 
Firma: dSPACE GmbH, Deutschland
Veröffentlicht: SAE Aerospace Systems & Technology Conference, Sep 2014

To make the development of complex aircraft systems manageable and economical, tests must be performed as early as possible in the development process. The test goals are already set in advance before the first hardware for the ECUs exists, to be able to make statements about the system functions or possible malfunctions. This paper describes the requirements on and solutions for test systems for ECUs that arise from these goals. It especially focuses on how a seamless workflow and consistent use of test systems and necessary software tools can be achieved, from the virtual test of ECUs, which exist only as models, up to the test of real hardware. This will be shown in connection with a scalable, fully software-configurable hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) technology. The paper also covers the seamless use of software tools that are required for HIL testing throughout the different test phases, enabling the reuse of work products throughout the test phases.

  • Englisch: From Virtual Testing to HIL Testing - Towards Seamless Testing PDF, 1302 KB

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